Thursday, March 20, 2014

Class 4 Assignment 8 - 3 New Meshmooooons

So here is my first world that I actually went to before but forgot to add the Screenshot.
I am playing a green robot. He is cute. And this other dude was wildin' me out so... ya. 

So I changed my avatar to Julie cause she is a hot chica!
There was this dude Balthasar but he wouldn't talk to me.
I think maybe he was never actually there (in real life) but his
Avatar stayed behind because he never logged out.

This was awesome. I was playing a trippy Eminem song so it was really weird to
be 'living' in this freaky evil clown place. I came in as my avatar being the scary
snowman dude, but a pop-up screen said I can't edit anything... okay, I'm not trying to edit I just want to be the SCARY SNOWMAN SO I WILL SURVIVE THIS FREAKSHOW PLACE! But this dude they gave me instead (Business suit Jack?) at least makes me feel like he could be the sinister ringleader or something!

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