Thursday, February 27, 2014

Class 6 Activities

Here is my silver dollar created in Word and exported as a BMP through Gimp after I put my name on.
Here is just another version without my name saved as a PNG.

And finally some process screen shots!

Next we had to draw it in Gimp. And save as a JPEG.

Here is my exported PNG. I took the $ilver Dollar picture I already had, as you can see the color and writing of my name didn't change!
I took the brush tool and used the stroke pattern of the rectangle and blotted over the text and the smiley face. I first used eyedropper to select the silver and then brushed over it. I then used the paintbucket to fill it in. Then just used the star brush pattern and 'stamped' them around and followed by typing the text again and drawing her visage as best I could!
Here I put my exported JPEG after I screenshotted from Word and then exported in Gimp.
I went back to my original Silver dollar in word and deleted the text and smiley. Then resized it smaller, changed color to gold and the image effect. Typed in the text and positioned it. Then drew some stars and finally took an image from Google/Wikipedia and turned opacity down and resized and voila!

Class 5 Assignment 8: Cube Slam

I also had problems with Cube Slam, I could hear audio but the visuals were quite odd. I think I must have a graphic problem with my CPU!

Class 5 Assignment 7

I cannot get into the Smithsonian world. Here is my proof. Sorry.

Class 5, Assignment 4 - Piktochart Immersion Conference

Here is my Piktochart about the 2014 IMMERSION Conference.

The 'Summit" is an educational symposium for educactors, students, technicians, and administrators about the ever changing world of Immersive Education and teaching using virtual reality. At the conference, there are many lectures and events for the attendants. Some are free and some cost money. The events take place from June 6th to the 8th in Los Angeles, California. On June 6th they will be at The Getty Center and on the 7th & 8th at Loyola Marymount University. The Keynote will be delivered by the founding chairman of iED, Prof. Aaron Walsh from Boston College.

Class 5 Assignment 5: Photoshopping Body Image

Here is a video that covers the topic well: Video to watch

It is sad because teen magazines such as Cosmo, Teen Vogue, Seventeen and such use images that have been airbrushed and often trimmed to portray their models looking more slim. This is bad for all parties because it creates a sense of dismorphia on an adoloescent, primarily females with their weight, but can also be men with their muscle size. It creates a vicious cycle, because these teens think that they should look like that so they only want to date people that look like that, which makes them more self conscious and it goes around and around.
There is a big connection to eating disorders and bulemia to the media. It causes BDD (Body Dismorphic Disorder) and this is bad. Photoshop is something that has gotten easier to use over time and is fairly new. Back in the 80's if you wanted to edit a photo, you had to literally cut and paste... with your hands. Now that digital technology is so advanced, it makes these things that no one really thought of doing very feasible!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Class 5 Vectors & Maps Class Activities

Here are the two examples of a 3D image. The multicolored one does not use TEXTURE MAPPING (also coincidentally 'Texture WRAPPING') while the one with the consistent Army-gray shade does use it to wrap the image around the 3D polys to create it's texture and material!

The subject of this blog post should be “Class 4, Assignment 4”

That's what the Professor said to name the blog post...


something I promised myself I would never do... #kinda/sorta #hashtags #Twitterererer

And I already had a Youtube account so not so bad...

Class 4, Assignment 3 : Favorite iED Youtube Videos

Class 4, Assignment 3 Youtube Videos of iED

My Favorite Three:::

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> The kid on the thumbnail is cute and I think this seems really cool with it's ambitions to improve interest and motivation for students in science. I remember how the NSF also funded TV shows like Magic School Bus and things that reminded me of my childhood! <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Although the sound is broken, I like the kid playing with all the digital 'toys'.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

It has epic music and is about Indiana Jones and Dora the Explorer going on a trip together.

Class 3: Entering Meshmoon Virtual Worlds

Here is a SS from me fist getting Meshmoon to finally work...

And here is a screenshot of me in a world...

I know this post is out of order and should be not in between HW's for class 5.

This is me fooling around as a robot and another character who was in the world with me but not doing anything.. It is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at  


Here are my images:
And here is the animation!

This is an example of an image with multiple layers used in GIMP. It is the LINUX penguin I believe. Then next is an example of an animated GIF, also made with multiple layers and rotation in GIMP. They are midterm exercises from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at  
Here are my process ScreenShots:

I was just joking around... ;)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

MIDTERM #5 - Progressive and Interlaced

Here is Monster as a Progressive JPEG:

And now here is the big fella as an Interlaced PNG:

And here is the stuff we have to say for class: (Cheap Plug!)

This is an example of a normal JPEG image of Monster being saved in two different file types. The screenshot below is of me watching the Youtube video in the textbook on the subject. I previously watched one that showed how they download differently in a browser. It is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Class 4, Assignment 5

Here is my Pictochart!
Enjoy guys!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

CloudParty Avatar Change-up Group 1 Gimpin'

I joined my group in the London home where we originally met the very free spirited 'Raven' then we changed up our avatars.
This was an assignment for my discovering computer graphics class I'm taking at Boston College in the Immersive Education courses. For more details you can visit the Immersive portal at

Cloud Party Exploration

Here is one of just me trying to build!
And here with the group for the first time in Mesa!
And then we fought those guys from the Mucinex commercials...
Next we traveled to Planet Fitness...
 Had to do some Neon Mini Golf...
 Then relived my scene in 'American Hustle'...
 Met this weird chick Raven in her London home...
 And saw Jarrod and some 'exotic dancers'!

Roll Call #1, Class #4


I am using a MacBook Pro Leopard OSX and usually use safari, but using Chrome for this assignment. Can't get Web Client to install... also Google and Facebook are being pains lately with 404 Errors and 'showing certifcate' browser pop up. Any help???


                                                           Here is the original TIF image.

Then I wrote my name with the pencil/paintbrush tool and saved (exported) as a JPEG:

Then I exported as a GIF:
Then I exported as a PNG: (maybe PNG was before the GIF?)

And here is a screenshot of me in the process of all this madness:

This is my screenshot of me as I am about to export it fron the TIFF file saved and edited in GIMP to the JPEG file. It is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at