Here is a video that covers the topic well: Video to watch
It is sad because teen magazines such as Cosmo, Teen Vogue, Seventeen and such use images that have been airbrushed and often trimmed to portray their models looking more slim. This is bad for all parties because it creates a sense of dismorphia on an adoloescent, primarily females with their weight, but can also be men with their muscle size. It creates a vicious cycle, because these teens think that they should look like that so they only want to date people that look like that, which makes them more self conscious and it goes around and around.
There is a big connection to eating disorders and bulemia to the media. It causes BDD (Body Dismorphic Disorder) and this is bad. Photoshop is something that has gotten easier to use over time and is fairly new. Back in the 80's if you wanted to edit a photo, you had to literally cut and paste... with your hands. Now that digital technology is so advanced, it makes these things that no one really thought of doing very feasible!
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