Thursday, April 10, 2014

FINAL 5a: Greenfoot JoC #4 Finally some code!

First I messed around with the Hedgehogs scenario. Not quite SONIC but it'll have to do!

 A little customization!

May 9, 2014 8:33 PM
Now working on JoC#6: Adding Random Behaviour (because he's British!!) LOL

Learned how to get the turtle to turn randomly and how to also turn to the left to the left! LOL So we learned how to use a negative number in the limit for the int that it gets to turn with!

8:49/50 PM DK&Drew Paul watching GoT in the LR
Now working on JoC#7: Lettuce is Good for you!

Learned how to make the turtle eat the lettuce by adding a new class. And then how to save the world (haha), except it was a dim option (gray?) and non-clickable, and then when I got it to work it was with nothing in the world, and then once I added the actors and elements, it would let me click and save the world but wouldn't open up the screen it was allowing to open up before... So I can't save the world if there is nothing in the world to save! #SupermanProblems

9:12 PM 33% (54started with) npi (same as above with DK&DP)
Now working on JoC#9: Snakes on a plane!

Learned how to do the same as above again and this time add a snake to chase the turtle. Took me longer because I realized my turtle code wasn't the same as Mike Hollinger's so I had to change it when I added it to the snake's code so that the snake could do everything and it would compile properly!
Also Snakes on a Plane is one of my favorite movies!

Bryce just got here, came in kitchen, followed by K and Drew, talking about NFL Draft and TBridgewater/No blk punters/RAllen's 400K salary, etc. they just left. 9:40PM

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